The controller for the Gut Runner is a whoopee cushion. The game itself is an awareness project with an alternative twist, the controller! By using a sensor just underneath the cushion, it is able to detect the pressure of someone jumping up and down on the cushion. Although the game's controller represents the embarrassment of a gassy situation that one with celiac disease may face, the project still remains playful, lighthearted and fun! The game is an endless runner starring a Gluten Goblin, in the environment of a celiac patient's intestines. The gluten goblin has to jump (powered by gas -- the whoopee cushion) over the healthy villi inside of the intestine.
More photos of the Gut Runner below:
Block Jump is a platform jumper game that uses a minimalist style to disguise hidden obstacles. Once the player makes it through the obstacle, the player moves on to the next level. 
The game was developed with gameSalad in 2018.
There's A Lot Of Weirdos Out There!
There's A Lot Of Weirdos Out There was a game developed in Twine in 2018. The game is a mystery game that will take you through the story of a young girl's hard night.
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